
Kayla Nieto

Hip Hop
Team Choreography

Beginning her dance journey here at New World and eventually joining the dance crew, Soul Fresh, directed by Ricky Cole, Kayla has furthered her craft and has been choreographing/teaching for several years.  Her choreography won first place overall in 2018 for New World’s competitive team “S-Squad.”  Combining her passion for dance and love for her students, she aims to help dancers develop the necessary skills to execute choreography while also building self-confidence.  Kayla currently works with several of New World’s competitive Hip-Hop teams and teaches The AVE community classes


Victoria Reina

Hip Hop
Heels Class
Team Choreography

Victoria has been teaching the art of hip hop dance to children for over ten years. She currently directs the Dance Program and Dance Team at Canyon High School.  She also works in Physical Therapy, which allows her to fuse her education and knowledge in the areas of physiology and kinesiology into her dance classes, creating a highly efficient and healthy teaching style. She is truly a dedicated and committed instructor and our students love her!

Megan Van Pelt

Jazz Funk
Musical Theater

Megan has been dancing since the age of three, competing since the age of five, and teaching since the age of 24. She has coached various school dance teams. She was captain of her high school dance team and eventually became the coach and choreographer for that very dance team. Megan loves being a part of the New World Dance Family and is excited to continue to share her passion of dance with the next generation of dancers.


Morgan Geraghty

Hip Hop

With a B.A. degree in Dance and Communication from UCSB, Morgan has expertise in various styles of dance. She is an award-winning choreographer and has trained under Brian Friedman, Dana Foglia, Kolanie Marks, Gerran Reese, Renee Ritchie, Jose BoyBoi Tena, Ricky Cole, and more. Her credits include: Janet Jackson, CD9, Emblem 3 “Waking Up” Tour, Every Single Step, Comedy Central. We are happy to have her with us!